Dream English Worship

Shalom! Dream English Worship(DEW) is a Multi-Ethnic &

English Community Composed of Diasporic Members in Christ.

Dream English Worship is an international ministry of Dream Church located at Ansan City.

In the name of Jesus, we give you warm greetings from DEW. 

Here are our Youtube Channel URL and Kakao Open Chat for Dream English Worship 

Please Join us and Be our Family!

1)  Youtube Channel Search "Dream English Worship"


2) DEW Kakao Open Chat 


3) DEW Zoom linked Youtube Livestream

Zoom Address: 


Meeting ID: 273 757 3395   

PW: Ask ps. Hannah (+82-10-9256-5790) 


English Worship service of dream church

dream English worship

When : 12:00 PM

Where : B1 Event Hall

For whom : Any English speaking people as well as for those who would like to

worship in English.

Notice :

Every Sunday, 10:00 AM Korean Service at main sanctuary will provide English

interpretation as well. You can ask for the headset for interpretation from Info

desk of the main door of the sanctuary.

Dream English Worship(dEW)
 is an international ministry of Dream Church located at Ansan City.

The English worship community is a community dedicated to the fellowship of the Lord's Word, Prayer, and the Holy Spirit, worshiping God, and wishing and praying to share Jesus' love to the international and multicultural backgrounds in Ansan. 

Currently, people from different nationalities from four countries gather together to worship, and they worship through English. Beyond other languages, cultures, and generations, we are united in Jesus and are striving for the mission of a multicultural group in Ansan. 

If you need help, counseling, or prayer, please ask. Let's worship in God and make love. WelCome To Dream Church!

Dream English Worship
공동체로 오세요!

예배 : 매주 주일 오후 12시

장소 : 지하 1층 이벤트 홀

영어 셀 모임 : 매주 주일 예배 후

131, Youngshinro, Sangrokgu, Ansan, Gyeonggido

Tel : 031-407-9191 │ Fax : 031-419-2277
